Turning a Page or Scrolling Down, Which One Warms Your Heart?


The only world larger than this we live in, is the world of words. I say this because it is born of imagination, and imagination exists in the brain. The human brain is wider than the sky and deeper than the seas. Taking this into account, I can safely second the phrase, “The largest nation is imagination.”

Literature is vast and dates many years back. Even with all this time and experience, literature continues to expand so that all that has been written, read, interpreted and translated explains only a drop in an ocean of what is unknown, yet.

Literature has also morphed with time, as now you can read a book digitally. The existence of eBooks, precipitated by the ever-growing read websites and apps like Wattpad, has become the new face of literature. A face that takes pride in improving its reach across the globe.

This digital wave has swept a whole lot of readers, gluing them to their gadgets whenever that urge or necessity to read strikes. However, the fore and aft motion of this wave has left individuals like myself out since I still cling onto “ancient” forms of literature when it comes to novels.

The classic “old book smell” still amuses me, something completely unrelatable when it comes to reading on a digital gadget. A bibliophile would definitely agree with me when I say there is a mood of fascination from the lignin smell on the ol’ page upon flipping to the next.

Call it bibliosmia or being old-school, but I can count a handful of advantages readers like myself enjoy over those who prefer reading novels digitally. Consider distractions; picture yourself reading from Wattpad, and then a distressing text from your partner pops up. Do you continue reading? And even if you force yourself to, do you still feel the narrative’s touch?

Everyone has their preference, and I am not in any way judging. All I intend to point out is that turning a page warms my heart more than scrolling down when it comes to reading novels.
